Collection: The One Ring /Adventures in Middle Earth
Many folks have had a stab at Tolkein over the years, but he's hard to get right. Very few characters in Tolkein are what you might call balanced - the great and the good do very little, conscious as they are of the interplay of having power and using it overtly. But that's kind of what you DO in a RPG. MERP in the Eighties, Lord of the Rings from Decipher... and then the One Ring came along and absolutely nailed it.
Your characters go on journeys and have adventures. Always mindful that too much shadow can lead them into darkness, depression and the grip of Sauron. Sourcebooks flesh out the culture of the Dale Lands, Bree, Rivendell and the Rohirrim. We were just getting towards Gondor and the oft promised Moria expansion when the line moved publisher from our friends at Cubicle Seven and we hastily scooped up as much as we could to tide us over.
Much like a hobbit worried they were going to miss second breakfast.
We are promised that the entire line will return and be expanded even further.
One Ring is the original d10 version. Adventures in Middle Earth is the D&D 5E d20 version. Both versions are awesome - though I tend towards the 'as originally written' d10 version myself.
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